Images from George Johanson Catalog

George Johanson:
Seven Decades of Painting

exhibition catalog, pacific northwest college of art

An accomplished and prolific painter and printmaker, George Johanson’s influence stretches over a geographical and generational landscape that reflects his seven decades of making and teaching. After graduating from Pacific Northwest College of Art, then known as the Museum Art School, in the late 1940s Johanson then taught at the College for the next 25 years.

Produced in conjunction with an exhibition of Johanson's paintings on view at Pacific Northwest College of Art (October 7 – November 20, 2010), this full color catalog features an interview with Johanson and his former student, long-time friend and PNCA faculty member Barry Pelzner. Introduction by Tom Manley.

George Johanson Catalog Cover

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Softcover; 32 pages; 6.5 x 8 inches
Release date: October 2010
$15 + Shipping & Handling

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