Museum of Contemporary Craft

Guided Tours

Reservations are required for guided tours of any size.
By appointment only | $50 for up to 15 people, $2 for each additional person

Private Group Exhibition Tours are available on
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 am to noon.
Limited tours are available at other times with 3 weeks advance notice.

Exhibition tours provide visitors with a guided exploration of the artwork on view, inspiring ongoing conversations in which expert, novice and curious visitor can all participate.

To schedule a tour:
E-mail or call 971.255.5520.

Reservations are required a minimum of 2 weeks in advance for guided tours. Please provide the requested date and time, contact name, contact information and any requests or concerns, including specific exhibitions you would like to tour, physical issues, etc.

Drop-in Group Visits

Reservations are required for drop-in groups of 15 or more persons.
By appointment only

The Museum cannot accommodate drop-in groups of more than 15 persons at one time without advance reservation. This is to ensure that your group has an optimal experience and that your visit does not conflict with other visiting groups, scheduled tours or programs. We appreciate your assistance in helping the Museum by scheduling your drop-in visit no later than 3 weeks in advance.

If your group includes students in grades K-12, we require 1 adult chaperone for every 10 students.

To schedule a drop-in group visit:
E-mail or call  971.255.5520

Reservations for group drop-in visits are required a minimum of 3 weeks in advance. Please provide the requested date and time, contact name, contact information and any requests or concerns, including specific exhibitions you would like to tour, physical issues, etc.

** Please note that the Museum reserves the right to refuse drop in visits by large groups without a reservation. This is to ensure safety of the artwork on view, and to be sure we have staff to check backpacks, bags and coats for your visiting group. We appreciate your assistance by scheduling visits in advance.